Monday, June 22, 2009

Yard Sale

Having a yard sale fundraiser this Saturday.  All our proceeds go to our walk.   I started making a flyer with a bunch of clothes but changed my mind.    Here's the flyer.  I heart cupcakes. Yum!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Funny store

Check out this store.  Pretty neat!

Funny Cancer Shirts and Gifts

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Questions and Answers

I received a few emails regarding posting stories and photos. I don't discriminate!! You can post any form of cancer stories! Please email them to me at  

Please make sure you include the following:

Full Name:
Type of Cancer:
If you want to add anything else, please feel free too!   Also, please pass on to family and friends.  

Jeremy Alonzo- Battling Testicular Cancer

Today's cancer survival story:

My cousin:  Jeremy Mark Alonzo  (diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 27)

Here's a quote I found that reminded me of Jeremy.

If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them.  When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope?  We have two options, medically and emotionally:  give up, or fight like hell.  ~Lance Armstrong

He's a fighter and my family and friends are here to help him.

Christmas Eve my family gathered to exchange tears and stories of a father, brother, nephew, cousin, grandson and friend.   My cousin Jeremy was diagnosed with testicular cancer.    I was caught off guard and couldn't stop playing the "why him" phrase in my head.   All the ladies in the family had some sort of cancer and he's the first man!  That's right Jeremy! First man in the family to be diagnosed with cancer.   Jeremy had surgery during the holidays and his right testicle was removed.   He had several treatments of Chemo but it wasn't enough.    Doctors suggested they go back in and remove some of the cancer that moved to his stomach and lymph nodes.    He underwent a 6 hour intense surgery and I'm proud to say he's recovering.  It's rough and he walks like a old man but he's strong and we all know he will fight it.    He has 4 treatments of Chemo and hopefully he will be in remission.    During my walk,  I will be wearing a pair of bright yellow socks.  I want him to know that I will have him with me every step I take!  


Monday, June 15, 2009

Gail Baltrotsky-Survivor of the Day!

I asked my co-worker Hershel if he would have his mother write a story about her battle with breast cancer.   Thank you for sharing your story Gail.  

(Photo:  Hershel and Gail)

Gail's Story:

Breast cancer killed my mother, so  I always kept up with mammograms and self checks. Then I got busy,  my  home life was up and down and work was busy all the time.  It had been well over a year since my last mammogram.

I know most of the people who come into my small retail pharmacy, some better than others. One afternoon a regular customer, one a didn’t know too well, came in with her husband.  She began talking with my partner and somehow their conversation got to, “when was your last mammogram?” Just like me, my partner kept putting off making an appointment.

Soon I was pulled into the questioning, when our customer learned that we had both gone over a year, she became adamant that we  both make an appointment that very day. She related how a mammogram had saved her life. My partner took the advise and was fine.

I was a bit uncomfortable about being lectured, and put off making an appointment. although I did begin self examinations again, and found a lump. With my partner’s nagging and my memories of my mother’s cancer I went for a mammogram. Strange but when they wanted me to stay for another test  I said I’d come back, I had to go to work. Reason prevailed and I stayed for an ultrasound.

After that it was a roller coaster: find a surgeon; have a biopsy;  choose total or lump; pick a hospital; choose an oncologist: decide on treatment plan; two rounds of chemo; radiation. Throughout this I worked full time.

Everyday I bless the customer who bullied me into testing and I try to pass it along by bullying others when I’s a legacy.

I am an eight year survivor.

Friday, June 12, 2009



Thank you for reading/supporting me!  In Feburary, I joined the Avon Breast Cancer walk to make a difference.  I took the pledge to fundraise 5,000 dollars for breast cancer research.   I need 1,800 to walk but my own personal goal is 5,000.   I would like to hear your cancer stories!  Please email them to me with a photograph of a person and how he or she has touched your life.   Again, thank you for supporting me in something I feel so strong for!  

*photo- My grandma Frances on her wedding day.  Passed away from breast cancer in 1991.